This was it: Mt Adams on Saturday June 26th in the cold, wind and rain. Joining in spirit friends Dan and Meena (and company) in their pursuit of a Presidential Traverse. Originally, I thought we could do Adams AND Madison, but the weather held us back. We left Appalachia parking area at 7:45 and approached Airline Trail on the ascent. Here, the temps and winds were fine! I thought the sun might break through, but NOOOO, we hit treeline and it was all down hill from there. (No, actually it was really UP hill to the extreme.) I was very proud of Lynn and Leah for conquering this mountain and helping Ruby navigate the tough terrain. We were nearly blown off the summit and I'd say winds were 50 - 60 mph. We took Gulfside to the hut where we met black dogs Mrs. Katy and Mrs. Lady who cruised by Ruby having some serious problems descending the sharp rocks. This was a difficult climb for her and it took time for her to get back to the junction from the summit. Once we arrived at the hut the rain started coming down heavily. It was 1:30 and at that point decided to return via Valley Way to Appalachia. All in all it was a great adventure, and we climbed a very difficult peak in challenging conditions!