North & South Kinsman #6 and 7
Following a busy holiday working at the NH State Liquor store on July 4th, I headed back to Lincoln for a day of hiking with my friend Magic. I check in at the Pemi Motor Court in Lincoln on the 5th, with a plan to meet Magic, an on-line hiking friend at the Kinsman Trailhead. The morning was bright and warm; with an early start I eagerly search for breakfast in Franconia at the Dutch Treat. It was anything but a treat. I ordered coffee - and that's all I got. A cup of black coffee. No spoon, no cream or sugar, just a cup of luke warm coffee that tasted like warm water with a brown crayon in it.The waitress shuffled off and I was forced to get up off the stool and go behind the counter for a spoon . I was hoping for a morsel of baked goodness: a muffin maybe - some warm cinnamon toast. When the waitress came back she reportedthat the kitchen was out of everything. "How 'bout an english muffin?"
I left feeling cheated and robbed out of a good meal. I had a fig newton instead and drove down Rt 116 to meet up with Magic. Only he wasn't there. I waited for about a half hour. Little did I realize he was parked down the street waiting for me. We completely missed each other by about 20 yards of parking lot. I set off without him and headed up the Mount Kinsman Trail .Though a fine day for hiking, the bugs nearly drove the poor dog batty. Not many on the trails today, and we hit North Kinsman without anyone else at the summit. We headed over to South, snapped some shots then headed back to North again.
It was here that I heard Magic's unmistakable voice . Ghost Dog, his hiking canine companion was with him and I became nervous about Ghost Dog and Ruby together . I have hiked with Ghost Dog before, and she can be intimidating. I believe she's a pit bull, and as her owner puts it: "she's just so weird!"
Sure enough Ghost Dog and Ruby spent the remaining time at North Kinsman summit growling and posturing. It was hard to determine who was the tougher dog, certainly G.D. had the sharper chompers, but I thought Ruby composed herself with a bit more class.
"Control yourselves, girls!"
Another hiker from the Rocks on top website spent time chatting but the commotion between the dogs and all our loud conversation drove away a group of boy scouts. Magic says, "Jeez, I'm glad those kids left. I wouldn't want them to witness a scene with the dogs!"
Here, I attempt to hold off Ruby from tearing into ghost Dog.

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