Tripyramids North and Middle, 14 and 15
For once I get up early and drive out to the Kanc. highway toward today’s goal – Tripyramid! I have scaled the North Slide Trail up North Tripyramid before, much to my deepest regret. The first time it was my father tricking me into taking “The scenic route” up the mountain. It was here, back in 1993 that I was stung by a dozen angry wasps right on the slide trail. So, I will not take the North Slide up this mountain as I did before, instead opting for the more relaxed Pine Bend Brook Trail. What a nice trail – lots of babbly brooks for the thirsty doggy. No one is on the trail. I reach the Scaur Ridge Trail cut-off and I know we are closing in on the summit. I reach what appears to be the summit – there’s nothing here! No cairn- no sign of anything! Are we at the top? Another woman comes huffing up seconds later. “Is this it?” she asks. Ummmm, yup, pretty sure it is. It’s Lisa from Maine, a very cool girl going off to grad school in flat-land Michigan. We team up and tackle Middle Tripyramaid together. Again, no discernable summit perch. Is this the summit? Maybe its here. We search around the mountain top. Hey Lisa, does that look like the top? We trek back to the North Peak and munch power bars. Lisa is great company and we begin to discuss the complexities of male relationships. We discuss ex-boyfriends. Behavior patterns that make no sense. And of course the ex who drunk dials at 2 am. What the dilly-oh we say. There are no answers. We make a deal to take on Mount Moriah together. Hope we can!
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