MT. Washington #16
The Big W! After a refreshing night at The Intervale Motel and 2 Dunkin Donuts iced lattes we hit Tuckerman's Ravine Trail with intense energy. I've never climbed Tuckerman's - only reaching Washington by the Ammonosuc Ravine or Jewell Trail. I was apprehensive. What a perfect day for this trip. Behind me, a teenage couple ; a girl in flip flops and a Red Sox shirt. They will never make it, I think. I decide to take the Lions Head Trail for a greater challenge. Upon the head coming to view I say, "Oh my God, I have to climb over that?" Indeed yes, and we scurry over the rock face and regroup with the flip-flopped hiker couple. Now, here is a cute kid who believes she can climb Mt. Washington in her flip flop sandals, and she actually does. She is from Pennsylvania on vacation and forgot her sneakers. Mt. Washington is swarming with tourists and Ruby is crazed with the stimulation. I had wanted to bag Jefferson, but that will have to wait. The trip down Tuckerman's was absolutely stunning. The cascades, the views over to Boott Spur were outstanding. I wish I had a longer day to spend.
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